2 mins
A day with the Ambassador
The Technofy Team has been extremely humbled and honored by the visit of S.E.M. Eric Lebédel, Ambassadeur de France in Bulgaria. He was accompanied by the Cheffe du service économique régional Danube Balkans chez Ambassade de France Florence Dobelle and the Director chez French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vessela Todorova. The event was very prestigious and also quite important on both personal and professional ends.
Our CEO Anthony met the ambassador about three years ago, when Technofy was created and making its first steps into the business world. The company was just a fraction of its current state. The Ambassador’s surprise of seeing how it grew over the short span of time was genuine.
The Project Management team did a grand job of preparing a showcase of our departments. Each and every one of us had a chance to talk with His Excellence about an exciting project we are currently working on or about random topics which weren’t necessarily work related.

After the small tour, the team organised a courteous reception, which included champagne and various, tasty goodies. We then had the opportunity to see him
in a less formal light and realise that he’s a very down to earth and humorous person.
When the cocktail was over, we eventually said our goodbyes. Not long after the Ambassador of France was kind enough to tweet about his visit and mentioned his impressions on our growth and development over the years. We are deeply privileged for the limited amount of time that we managed to share and hope to meet a bit sooner next time!