4 mins
Almost every medium to big organization have its own DNS solution on premises. Many companies are slowly migrating their infrastructure fully or partially to the Cloud. But during that transition some flexible DNS solutions must be integrated to make that hybrid environment work. Such solution is DNS forwarding solution hosted in the cloud.

Technical insight
Unbound instances hosted in the cloud.
Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver product. It is distributed free of charge in open source form under the BSD license. It is cost effective and easy to implement DNS forwarder which can be used basically immediately after some custom made configuration.

Dynamic DNS for Route 53
With the advent of CloudWatch Events we can get near real-time information when an AWS instance changes its state, including when instances are launched or terminated. When you combine this with the power of Amazon Route 53 and AWS Lambda, you can create a system that closely mimics the behavior of Dynamic DNS.

Use cases
Unbound instances hosted in the cloud.
Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver product. It is distributed free of charge in open source form under the BSD license. It is cost effective and easy to implement DNS forwarder which can be used basically immediately after some custom made configuration.

Dynamic DNS for Route 53
With the advent of CloudWatch Events we can get near real-time information when an AWS instance changes its state, including when instances are launched or terminated. When you combine this with the power of Amazon Route 53 and AWS Lambda, you can create a system that closely mimics the behavior of Dynamic DNS.

Unbound instances design are easy/fast/reliable to implement and are free for use and easy to configure. Any organization can adopt it and use it in its own

ClouldWatch & Lambda
ClouldWatch + Lambda AWS services combined together allow for automated add/remove of DNS entries based on Instance events ( Dynamic DNS solution / DDNS based on CloudWatch events).