From time to time, organizations launch new business initiatives that require new applications and software features development, or tools and technology procurement. Ofttimes, such requirements hoard and exceed a company’s capacity. Businesses have leveraged the growing cloud computing offerings to decrease time to market while cutting costs. However, attaining these objectives is implausible because it requires expertise and time to manage.
Besides, many organizations still operate complex systems composed of manual and poorly documented processes and procedures. At the same time, onboarding system developers take long, making it difficult for a business to reduce the time to market with new applications and features. Apart from the manual provisioning of IT resources, businesses experience delays from communication breakdowns between siloed teams and slow approval processes that disconnect the development process from the change initiators.
For AWS users, deploying the same infrastructure in multiple involved accessing the AWS Console and creating the necessary resources one by one, for every account.
Improve deployment speed to meet the ever-increasing demand on IT infrastructure.
Infrastructure as a code (IaC) allows businesses to program hardware infrastructures as executable code that can be easily adapted, copied, or deleted at any time. System and network administrators can leverage IaC using a range of tools to manage hardware without accessing the devices manually.
IaC allows the application of DevOps practices to automation scripts to ensure they are error-free, admins can redeploy them across multiple services, and they can be rolled back in case of challenges.
Traditional non-virtualized IT environments deploy and maintain resources tied directly to physical hardware. In effect, businesses lack infrastructure flexibility and require extensive manual work to make any change to the system set-up.
At the same time, new business initiatives require new software features, technology, or tool procurement. The requirements often increase and exceed the company’s current capacity. Meanwhile, businesses run their workloads in public cloud offerings that promise to decrease time to market. Still, the technology requires time and expertise to manage. Simultaneously, organizations using manual and poorly documented processes take long to onboard new developers and systems administrators. Overall, the challenges delay the time to market for new services or features.
Implementing infrastructure as a code (IaC) using tools like Terraform uses code to eliminate the manual processes involved in deploying, configuring, and administering IT systems. This approach is essential in a business environment with increased demands on software products with short development cycles. Meanwhile, users place importance on the quest for enhanced availability and flexibility.
IaC enables enterprises to create different environments easily, especially for complex projects involving multiple virtual private clouds, compute instances, and storage.
The solution also improves security through the implementation of robust access controls and other policies. IaC enables businesses to version changes in the business environment while keeping an audit trail of the employees changing the infrastructure set-up.