Optimize delivery pipelines with CI/CD using tools like Jenkins

Use case


Main challenges

The traditional development environment for many organizations has been manual and time consuming because developers must build out new features to the end without quality measurement. This approach also assumes that users know and can specify all the desired requirements and software properties with precision before developers can start building the final product.

However, this development style is desirable when software requirements are predictable and stable. Besides, with the traditional development approach, the client’s participation mainly takes place at the beginning of the project, which means that the end-user usually provides limited feedback for later development phases.
The development and deployment styles are also hard to adapt to small projects that change constantly. Unfortunately, a broad array of modern applications requires code development that takes place in diverse platforms and tools. DevOps teams, therefore, should establish a mechanism to integrate and validate application changes promptly.

Business/technical goals

Increase speed, productivity, and sustainability of DevOps teams.

Optimized delivery pipelines with CI-CD using tools like Jenkins helps organizations respond to market changes rapidly and better. It reduces shelf time for new features in applications, enabling a business to stay ahead of the competition.

Fifty-nine percent of companies deploy multiple times a day, once a day, or once every few days.

Developers can release or deploy applications automatically into production, ultimately increasing their productivity.


Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) reduces disparities between development and operations teams by automating application development, testing, and deployment.
DevOps teams need to automate their development environments to gain flexibility while speeding the development and deployment effort. Organizations can address this challenge by building CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins that offers flexibility, openness, ease-of-use, and robust plugin capabilities. The tool lists approximately 1,500 plugins that support integration with other services.
CI/CD pipeline is a process that demonstrates how a software move along various stages, including version control, build, unit test, deploy, autotest, production, and monitoring, before it is delivered to the customer. The process allows the collection of feedback, which is sent back to the development team for fixing in every step.
Jenkins offers numerous interfaces and tools for automating the entire CI/CD process. Developers can install Jenkins through native system packages, Docker, or run on any machine with a Java environment installed.

Situation before & after the implementation


Traditionally, developers would finish developing software and hand it to production. However, the approach has changed. Development today is more than coding. Developers are taking on traditional operations roles, like creating and maintaining infrastructure and monitoring transactions and user experience.

Meanwhile, software testing and deployment tasks are still challenging. Currently, 47 percent of companies say testing is the number one reason for delays.


Optimizing delivery pipelines with CI-CD using tools like Jenkins ensures your business releases quality applications/services frequently and predictably to users. Continuous integration and deployment help notice and resolve service deficiencies much quicker than if the deployment flows after several days or weeks.

CI-CD improves pre-deployment tests that provide more confidence that a software product is ready for release. The process also increases the frequency of delivery.

Eighty-two percent of developers report releasing code more quickly, with most revealing two to five times increases in speed.

Sixty-six percent of companies say their organization’s processes and tools allow them to succeed and innovate.

Using CI-CD also allows security teams to be part of cross-functional team collaborating with DevOps to release secure applications.

Architecture diagram

*Sample high level design



Introduction with the client to understand his context - both business and technical. The aim of the phase is to explore this new context, gather the needs through exchange with the different key points of contact, answer unclear points, and agree on a defined scope.


Proposition of several potential solutions that could fit the need and iterate on it based on client feedback. In this step, we can include a prototype or a Proof of Concept to have a better sense of the feasibility of the architecture to put in place with its different layers/components.

Implementation & tests

Iterative phase based on Agile methodologies & rituals: sprint planning, demo, retrospective, prioritization, etc. Each sprint will include the implementation of the technical architecture, the deployment of the infrastructure, and the development phase if required.


Go in production with the defined solution and ensure post-production support if required.


  • Flexibility - Deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. 
  • Enhanced software quality - Optimizing delivery pipelines with CI/CD using Jenkins leads to improved software quality since teams can collaborate to commit code changes more frequently.
  • Improved delivery - Using CI/CD pipelines with tools like Jenkins to store environment-specific parameters packaged with each delivery. CI/CD automation performs calls to necessary services when applications are deployed. CI/CD pipelines offer automation capabilities. With tools like Jenkins, developers can automate repetitive tasks like backing up and restoring databases, gather statistics about service, and turn on or turn off machines.
  • Boosted security - CI/CD helps DevOps to identify defects and other software vulnerabilities on small code differentials instead of testing the entire application in production.
  • Faster time to market - Jenkins and other CI/CD tools enable quick testing and evaluation of updated code. Jenkins allows developers to detect and fix building or testing fails within minutes without compromising the whole project or workflow.
  • Improved integration - Jenkins lists approximately 1,500 plugins that support integration with third-party platforms, build management, source code management, and user interface. In AWS, serverless applications can run as Lambda functions, while deployments can be integrated into Jenkins CI/CD pipeline with a plugin.

Getting started with Technofy

Technofy has mastered the agile technique behind a vast of DevOps and cloud projects. Technofy consists of people and flexibility that enables the team to get a business started with optimizing delivery pipelines with CI/CD using tools like Jenkins. Technofy offers adequate consulting, architecture design, and infrastructure guidance to develop, optimize, and maintain a CI/CD strategy that embodies the culture and a set of principles and practices to enable DevOps teams to deliver code more reliably and frequently.
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